
Saturday, May 11, 2019

How New Media Changed the Way in Which Individuals Communicate Coursework - 3

How New Media Changed the Way in Which Individuals Communicate - Coursework ExampleUnarguably, the Internet is central to the sophistication of info and communication. It has enabled people - through their computer systems and mobile network devices - to be networked together so that they interact real-time. A resident of London, for instance, could chat with a friend from Chile, read an on-going news story about what is happening in Libya and buy some apparel from a manufacturing outfit in China. All these feats could be accomplished at the same time, from the comfort of the Londoners own home and just with some clicks of his mouse. It is easy to understand how people ensure the Internet as a blessing for the sheer reason that it makes life so much easier and for experience to be achieveed at the speed of light.Presently, the global Internet users are fast approaching its 2 ordinal mark. (World Internet Usage 2011) Because of this, the Internet became a platform for communicati on as well as a form of digital community that people could take advantage of for whatever objective, cause and purpose they have. For example, in that location is the issue of online trade or more popularly known as e-commerce. Organizations through the Internet gain access to millions upon millions of consumers to sell goods and services. At the other end of this equation, there are also those millions who turn to the intermediate in order to find and buy goods and services. Today, trade of all kinds and in all volumes peruses the Internet as an integral part of the sales process because it eliminates several steps and barriers in the ordinary trading process. Because of the Internets capability, doing and sale of goods and services have become cost-efficient, benefitting the producer and the consumer in the process. The type of communication offered by online floor has provided users with a facilitated way by which their economic orcommercial needs are satisfied. Online trade and merchandise are now so sophisticated that they are permeated peoples online lives.

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